I'm King Apsu -
“The High King”

Apsu and his Ylem Clergy, hail from the great Capital City of Aeterna located in central Empyrnea. While the four kingdoms enjoy their own sense of freedom and rule, Apsu’s word and that of his clergy is considered high law. In all the centuries that have passed since Apsu rise to power, even with the outspoken First Queen of Kynazarr, none have outright rebelled against it.

Unlike inhabitants of the four kingdoms, people in Aeterna, are bound not to a single foci but to Ylem energy itself. As with all who are aligned with Ylem, Aeternians have blue hued eyes. While most pursue studies of Ylem itself and philosophical matters of its role in the universe, many Aeternians also pursue a basic understanding of other foci as well.

However, such studies of the foci are always pursued to a lesser degree than that of the four kingdoms, as it is considered an inferior field of practice compared to Ylem itself. And this fact underscores the general tone throughout all of Aeterna, that Aeternians are more pure and overall superior to all other inhabitants of Empyrnea.

Aeternians’s discrimination against others is mild. They are not a hostile or angry people, but considered more of a high-brow, self indulgent populace. Life in Aeterna is considered lavish by most others throughout the land. Aeternian attitude and way of life leads to a subtle, general tone of animosity between the inhabitants of the four kingdoms and the people of Aeterna. Many jokes are told in the four kingdoms of living like an Aeternian.

The Ylem clergy or Enclave practice their rituals and hold their meetings behind closed doors. In fact, it is almost impossible to seek audience with the higher members of the council. Laws in Aeterna are perhaps the most strict in all Empyrnea and the punishment for disobeying them is harsh and swift. In recent days distinct sets of laws have been established for insulting, defying or speaking out against Apsu or the clergy. While this is a normal, accepted way of life among Aeternians, a great restlessness has been rising in the city since Apsu’s death.

While the affliction has affected Aeterna least in all of Empyrnea, darkness grows in the Capital City. In recent days, the Enclave has been establishing churches of Ylem throughout the four kingdoms and forcing the people to abandon their foci and embrace Ylem. This has not gone over well among the kingdoms, degrading into strife and conflict in many instances. Though the repercussions have not been felt directly in Aeterna, there is a sense that something is out of balance... and growing more so each day.

Although no Aeternian would dare speak it out loud, some are beginning to sense a change in the Enclave and see the ominous clouds of trouble forming overhead.

Illustration by Dylan Pierpont. Written by Nick Macari. Story concepts by Jason Allen and Nick Macari.

Incarnate Games Inc.

Artwork © 2014 Dylan Pierpont.
Incarnate Games Inc, Ascended Kings, Omega Mundus series, the Incarnate Games logo, the Ascended Kings logo and all associated marks, names, foci, characters, models, environments, illustrations and images from the Ascended Kings and/or Omega Mundus series are either ®,™, and/or © Incarnate Games, Inc 2013-2016. All Rights Reserved. Used under exclusive copyright rights by Incarnate Games Inc.